Lost Villages
Written by
Brian Johnson posted on August 12, 2009 22:59
Down at Zina’s Barber Shop we used to laugh and sing; We’d gather and we’d gossip about everything; we’d talk about the seaway and what we’re gonna do, and how our lives would turn out along highway two...
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Comment by: Ian Coristine ( )
Left at: 11:32 AM Sunday, August 16, 2009
One of Paul Malo's great gifts to TI Life and the Thousand Islands in general was his ability to show us earlier times and events here through the people who lived them. If it weren't for his lifetime of effort researching, recording and sharing these tales, much of the history and culture of this very special place would have been lost forever. You seem to be doing exactly the same thing Brian, very eloquently I might add, and I for one am grateful.
Comment by: Jan Gilbert ( )
Left at: 9:42 PM Thursday, August 20, 2009
Thank you for such an interesting and informative article. I have visited the 1000 Island for many years, however I have never known a lot about the area that was flooded to create the Seaway. We hope to visit the museum when we are in the area next month. Thanks again, and please write additional articles.
Jan and Larry Gilbert
Douglassville, PA
Comment by: Brian Johnson
Left at: 2:47 PM Friday, September 30, 2016
Mrs. Jane Craig (nee Whiteside) passed suddenly away on Monday, Sept. 26, 2016. Her passing truly marks the beginning of an end of an era of the children of the 'Lost Villages'. These 'kids' lived through their world turning upside down and, for the most part, were not told why they had to move or why their towns disappeared under the St. Lawrence. Jane would spend the rest of her life making sure another generation remembered these small communities and the people who lived in them. I had no idea what these folks went through until she told me their story. This wonderful Lady truly leaves a Legacy of memories.