The Great Gale of ‘75
Written by
Brian Johnson posted on November 12, 2009 22:39
“I am very concerned with the welfare of the steamer Edmund Fitzgerald. He was right in front of us… He was taking on a small amount of water and none of the upbound ships have passed him. I can see no lights as before and I don’t have him on radar. I just hope he didn’t take a nose dive.”
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Comment by: Doris Sampson
Left at: 9:02 PM Wednesday, October 22, 2014
PLEASE give credit to Robert Campbell of Grand Ledge, MI, for the Edmund Fitzgerald photo. He took that shot in May, 1975, on the St. Marys River.
Comment by: Chris Cooper
Left at: 2:12 AM Monday, September 26, 2016
I was surprised to see your reference to the 'Upper Canada' ferry after I read an article about it. It is considered Lorain's derelict ‘ghost ship' in the article below.
Thanks for the information about The Great Gale of '75.
Comment by: Jim Webster
Left at: 8:51 AM Thursday, November 10, 2016
Well written Brian. Thanks for sharing, again! I enjoyed the read