Update for “One in a Thousand”
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Susan W. Smith posted on September 13, 2012 07:14
When Ian Coristine published One in a Thousand on May 1st, we asked if we at TI Life could be involved in some small way. Of course we reviewed the book* (April 2012 Issue) but we also asked if we could follow its path – for like so many of Ian Coristine’s projects One in a Thousand has the potential to build more pride in our region by exposing the Thousand Islands to more people around the world. This has begun…
Update from Ian Coristine:
One in a Thousand has been doing well, getting very strong ratings and reviews in Apple's US and Canada iPad App Stores. The reviews and reader feedback has been amazingly supportive (we've posted some of it here: http://www.oneinathousand.ca/Reviews.aspx and here: http://www.oneinathousand.ca/Comments.aspx).
One has been downloaded in thirty different countries.
At the moment, there are only two interactive eBooks telling stories at this level of sophistication, One and Al Gore's Our Choice. Because there is not yet a category for them, readers don't realize they exist. They're buried in the iPad App Store in a sub-category of books, not in the iBook Store or even the iPad Book Store. This App Store is almost entirely populated by children's cartoon books like Toy Story and Cat in the Hat, where the text and cartoons to create them are readily available.
Sourcing relevant images, video, music and other components presents real challenges. I was fortunate in that I already had a career's worth of images, a wonderful relationship with writer Donna Walsh Inglehart, who helped me forge the story, HD video from a History Channel TV show about my plane and photography, wonderful music from Tony Dekker and Great Lake Swimmers, and a map I had created for the printed books. We briefly considered using Apple's new textbook app technology, but we knew that the cookie-cutter formatting would not work with our material. McLellan Interactive Publishing joined us, developing the sophisticated software for One in a Thousand. They aren't offering the software to the public, publishing only very selectively titles, one at a time.
Despite One's wonderful reception, we realize it may be too far ahead of the curve. We chose iPad for its rich capabilities (One is not available in any other tablet format), and while people are actually buying iPads to view One, to build this market, Apple needs to collect hundreds, thousands of interactive eBooks similar to One so that people get used to and expect stories to be told in a multi-dimensional way. It becomes addictive! So we are waiting patiently until the world catches up, first with software, then with more titles, relying on publicity, reviews, and word-of-mouth promotion, especially from Thousand Islanders. Because we believe in One and our readers around the world have been so enthusiastic about our work, we think that it is only a matter of time before it reaches the next level.
By Susan W. Smith, susansmith@thousandislandslife.com
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Comment by: Michael Shaw ( )
Left at: 10:17 AM Saturday, September 15, 2012
Really, really want to buy "One in a Thousand" but I am not onboard with iPad. Wish we had an Android or PC alternative. I do admire your patience as "the world catches up", but iOS is not in my future...
Comment by: Doug McLellan ( )
Left at: 11:19 AM Saturday, September 15, 2012
As the developers of the software to create "One" and the designers and publishers, we are very close to the book. It was our intention to develop an Android version but there are real problems. While the Apple IOS is solid and locked down, the same can't be said for Android which has about 1700 combinations of devices with hardware & software integration all over the place. Functionality would need to be tested on each device which is not practical. You can read more here.
http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/10things/10-things-i-hate-about-developing-for-android-and-some-workarounds-that-help/2650. However, if you're willing to consider Apple, the Marcom awards in the US just gave "One" a rave review this morning.
Comment by: Michael Shaw ( )
Left at: 1:03 PM Saturday, September 15, 2012
I don't own any Apple products; iTunes cured me of that for good (with having to authorize every new computer I had just to play music I already bought). So I won't be investing in any Apple products in order to see "One" .
I agree Android isn't an ideal platform. My first choice would just be something I could play on my PCs.
Great write-up on the Marcom review!
Comment by: John C. Warren ( )
Left at: 2:11 PM Saturday, September 15, 2012
Thank you Mr. Coristine for capturing the beauty of the 1000 Islands thru your photography. With the I-pad I am able to enjoy the landscape from back home no matter where I am, including Brampton. There is no place like it and I will continue to look forward to your new opportunities and enjoy your work thru this new portal.
John Carnie Warren
Comment by: Michael Laprade ( )
Left at: 4:00 PM Saturday, September 15, 2012
I don't own an I Pad either but I was happy to borrow a couple of them to have the pleasure of experiencing this latest work. I think you would be very happy if you did the same.