A Winter Wake on Wolfe Island…
Written by
Brian Johnson posted on March 13, 2013 07:47
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Comment by: Jill Mooers (Patterson) ( )
Left at: 11:09 PM Thursday, March 14, 2013
Loved reading your article Brian. Great pictures as well. I remember a few scary trips across the ice with Dad!
Comment by: LyndaCrothers ( )
Left at: 5:24 AM Friday, March 15, 2013
Oh I loved this story , Thank You , love the Island .
Comment by: Wanda MacMillan ( )
Left at: 9:34 AM Friday, March 15, 2013
Such a great story Brian. I really enjoyed reading it. You make it so interesting to read about your early years and obviously your love of the Island. Look forward to more.
Comment by: Kathi Tysick ( )
Left at: 10:29 AM Friday, March 15, 2013
Wonderful story Brian!
Comment by: Joan Russell ( )
Left at: 11:35 AM Friday, March 15, 2013
Thanks, Brian Johnson - again! Personal stories are so important to our Canadian history in general, and our local history in particular! This one about crossing the frozen lake awoke in me a memory of conversations - usually around the table, after a meal - about my grandparents (Sadie & Craig Russell) who crossed by car with the doors open (did they take them off?). I remember someone saying that they knew to avoid dark spots on the ice, lest they plunge into the deep. These stories are our oral history: Don't stop!!
Comment by: Geraldine Last ( )
Left at: 1:04 PM Saturday, March 16, 2013
A captivating, heartwarming story...especially the part about 'open the door and hang on to me'..Wow...We have no idea how safe and lucky we are today.
Comment by: Katie Thibault (Mason) ( )
Left at: 7:32 AM Saturday, April 13, 2013
Intriguing article. My grandmother, who was a Staley, grew up in the 20's-30's on the island. She had fascinating stores about crossing the ice with horses and buggies and how she and her siblings would bury their heads while crossing, praying for land to come sooner than later, letting the horses guide them home. How I wish she was still with us to read your articles, and to hear her stories just one more time. Thank you!
Comment by: deb ( )
Left at: 2:07 PM Monday, June 24, 2013
I met a nice young man from Wolfe Island when I was 16. My mother locked myself and my older brother out of the house right in the middle of November.
My brother who was older than me went and lived with friends. As for myself I remember living and sleeping on a bench in front of city hall for days.
This young man from Wolfe Island (Cecil Staley) found me a place to stay. I will always remember him telling me how unsafe it was to be staying there by myself.
My mother threw us out not because we did not like the rules at home. It was because my brother and I would go her mother's house and help her by mowing the grass etc.
When I finally did get posted back to Ontario I discovered that this beautiful person passed away.
Rest in peace my friend we will always love you, Debbie and Jeff.
Comment by: Rose McAllister-Stafford ( )
Left at: 8:39 PM Sunday, July 28, 2013
Brian, I so loved reading your story... It brought back so many, many memories. Your grandfather passed away just before my Dad. I hated crossing the ice in the winter. I so remember my Dad's wake - so much like you have told the story. I so remember spending hours on end with your Grandmother - remember I was her little helper - in actual fact I think I was her little friend that she just adored to see every week. Brian I so enjoy your writing, would love to read anything else you have written.
Love to you and your family, Rose
Comment by: Patrick Johnston ( )
Left at: 5:17 PM Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Brian, your story reminded me of the funeral of my own Grand mother in 1967. Her funeral was postponed for two days due to a snow storm, and the funeral hearse got stuck a number of times from the main highway back to the grave site.
After reading your story I decided to do some checking. It would seem that our Great grand fathers are brothers.
I am a descendant of Lawrence Johnston and Susan Moran They moved from Wolf Island to Sombra twp.Lambton county
sometime around 1860.
Great story, keep up the good work.
Patrick Johnston