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Ian Coristine posted on November 13, 2018 12:40
It’s that time of year again when you can help build a greater understanding and appreciation of the River through TI Life’s 7th annual photo contest. We’d very much like you to share as many as three of your favourite TI photographs with Susie Smith, Editor.
The way it works is that she will collect all entries that arrive before the closing date of December 6th, number them, and then forward them to me blind. That’s when the going gets tough, choosing the gold, silver and bronze certificate winners. Typically, there are plenty more worthy shots which we will also publish as “Honourable Mentions.”
So many of us intimately know a five-mile radius from the dock, but beyond the routes to a friend’s cottage, a castle, marina or restaurant, we have far less appreciation for how much more is actually here. We see our spot as wonderland, while forgetting that with over 200 square miles and thousands of miles of coastline squeezed into 50 miles of River, there are countless wonderlands.
One of the primary goals of each of my books has been to try to introduce people to more of what lies between Tibbetts Point and Brockville other than just the popular tourism attractions. This is also a primary goal of our annual photo contest - building a greater appreciation for the place. The other is to give the winners and honorables the recognition their photography deserves.
Please look through your photos and help provide an opportunity for all to revisit the River out of season. Think of it as Susie and I do. It’s our Christmas Gift of the River, to the community who most appreciates it. But there will be no gift if you don’t share, so please don’t put it off.
Next month, we’ll share the harvest.