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Douglas Goodfellow posted on August 12, 2009 22:26
Saturday August 1st, proved to be a perfect day on the St. Lawrence River in the Admiralty Islands for the first Annual K.I.S.S.R - Keep It Simple Sailing Regatta.
Under sunny skies and a SW wind of 15+ knots, 24 boats and crew member met at Doug and Meb Goodfellow’s Lindsay Island Dock for a skippers meeting under the direction of Derek Innes, Race Chairman (Towers Island) and Matt Wright, Assistant Race Chairman (Gananoque).
Three races were run by starters: Shirley and Mary Wright. The course took the fleet through the channels from the Spectacles Shoal to Bishops Point across to Aubrey and Mermaid Islands. The multi-leg courses varied up to 4 KM long in the sometimes gusty winds. Gananoque’s Terry Bambrick acted as safety boat for the regatta.
With 10 Catamarans and 14 keel and centerboard boats on the starting line the action was fast and furious. Seven different classes of boats - Catamarans , Lasers, Sunfish, Bytes, Wayfarers, O’Day Day sailers, Rhodes 19s, and an Alarian Express 20 - all tacking up the channel and running back down towards the finish line. The armada was a welcome sight for the many spectator boats as well as the patrons on the Gananoque Boat Line.
After a timed start for two classes the finish line was on the honour system and there was no entry fee, no prizes or times recorded. After all this was the KISSR Regatta and fun and fellowship were the order of the day…
Saturday night over 40 competitors enjoyed an informal party at Derek and Marge Innes home on Towers Island where everyone congratulated Derek and Matt on a successful day sailing and racing in the Admiralty Islands.
Mark your calendars for the 2010 KISSR Regatta on the next August Ontario Long Weekend.
By Doug Goodfellow, Lindsay Island, Admiralty Island
Editor’s note: The names Marjorie and Derek Innes and Douglas Goodfellow are well known in the Canadian Yachting Association record books. Marjorie and Derek were enthusiastic and competitive sailors from the Fanshawe Yacht Club in London Ontario, while Doug Goodfellow was an active competitive sailor at the Woodlands Yacht Club and the Beaconsfield Yacht Club on Lake St. Louis in Montreal and in Oakville, Ontario. Now neighbours in the Admiralty Islands, they agreed it was time to have a regatta. From the photographs and the banter across the water – it was a terrific decision.
The handcrafted yacht built by Steve Hornsby, Tremont Island. Photo courtesy Darryl Lunn
The popular Darts, often seen in the Admiralty islands. Photo courtesy Darryl Lunn
A picture perfect day. Photo courtesy Darryl Lunn
David Orr in his Webejamineh,: "We saw WEBEJAMIN in Jamaica and added the Canadian Eh.". Photo courtesy Darryl Lunn
Up the channel. Photo courtesy Darryl Lunn
Tacking across with the Lindsay Farm on the main shore. Photo courtesy Darryl Lunn
Steady as she goes. Photo courtesy Darryl Lunn
Douglas Goodfellow in his Laser 133007 rounding the mark. Photo courtesy Darryl Lunn