Lost Villages, Inundation Day
Written by
Brian Johnson posted on September 12, 2009 22:46
Mary Lynn Johnston was a Mille Roches girl
She had an important chore, while her Mother ran a rooming house
And her Dad ran the general store
Making sure her cats didn’t drown, as the water rose more and more...
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Comment by: Judy ( )
Left at: 7:27 PM Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I was so happy to see your article. My husband and I have a place on the American side. I love the River and enjoy reading about it. I have read Maggie Wheeler's first two books and have tried to find the third in stores in the US without success. My neighbor had the first two books and shared them with me. We tried to obtain them in Clayton,NY where she was able to get the books....they did not have any. I would love to get the third and hope you might be able to direct me. I enjoy your article...so interesting.
Comment by: Brian Johnson ( )
Left at: 9:19 AM Saturday, October 3, 2009
Hello Judy,
Thank you for your kind comments. I purchased mine at the Lockview Giftshop at Iroquois Lock, Iroquois Ontario. They are also for sale at the 'Lost Villages' Museum at Ingleside Ontario and Upper Canada Village giftshop. I don't think Maggie would mind if you contacted her at janeway@trondata.net
Again, Thank You!
Brian Johnson
Comment by: Paul Tulloch ( )
Left at: 10:28 AM Sunday, October 4, 2009
I enjoyed your article. It reminded me of our family island across from Cardinal, Ont (Dixon on the old maps). I have many happy memories of our time on that island. When I was fourteen, our island was removed from the face of the earth by bulldozers and dredges for the new seaway. It now exists only in the minds of the few of us left who enjoyed it so long ago.