The River as a Way of Life
Written by
Brian Johnson posted on January 12, 2010 22:31
Pilots, by the very nature of their profession, become experts of the waters in their district. They are the logical advisors to those responsible for the safety of navigation.
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Comment by: peter brooks ( )
Left at: 12:47 AM Friday, January 15, 2010
Brian, I don't know if you remember me. Charles Brooks is my Dad. Love your personal intereststories. Keep them coming Regards Peter Brooks
Comment by: Brian Johnson ( )
Left at: 7:32 PM Friday, January 15, 2010
Hi Peter
Of course I remember you!
The good 'ol Gan Boat Line days on the Thousand Islander! I well remember you on the Thousand Islander as I scooted for position at the Castle in the Miss Rockport II (1974)
Great hearing from you!!
brian j
Comment by: Stephen ( )
Left at: 10:16 PM Sunday, January 17, 2010
Capt. Boucher, What is it about the narrows bottom that challlenges? Is it upwelling currents, that surfaces features which makes my lapstrake hull feel like it squiggles? Thank for all the tonnage you have taken through and kept rock, bottom, and media free!
Comment by: LIAM MORAN ( )
Left at: 12:23 AM Wednesday, February 6, 2013
In mid l950"s I sailed as Radio Officer with Saguenay Terminals out of Montreal on "Sunrip" and "Sunwhit". Now 78 years old I would imagine that most of my fellow officers are now deceased.However two cadets may be still with us .One was Rene Theberge and the other man was by the name of Gaudet also a 4th.Officer by the name of Alain Dennis or Denis - all Frence Canadians.Understand my good friend Ferdinand Bedard has passed away.Would greatly appreciate and information on the above gentlemen.Perhaps they sailed as Pilots in Canadian waters. Very many thanks, Liam Moran
Comment by: John Hollenbeck ( )
Left at: 8:29 PM Monday, April 8, 2013
I remember reading about the Boucher Family,Denis Conway, and all the other pilots in "The Soul of the River". Try to get up to the River whenever I can
Comment by: Liam Moran
Left at: 7:20 PM Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Sailed with Saguenay Terminals as Radio Officer mid to late 1950's.Searching for Officers who sailed with me during that period. Some names - Ferdinand Bedard,Henri Allard,Alain Denis,Rene Theberge and a young Cadet by the name of Gaudet. I wonder if the present Alain Theberge or Jean-Luc Bedard are related to the above Ferdinand or Rene?. I am living in San Francisco,Ca.for the past 50 years and am 80 years old now.I would love to hear from or about these great men. Thanking you for your time. Liam Moran
Comment by: Claude meldrum
Left at: 11:20 PM Saturday, April 4, 2015
My Dad Captain Ronald Meldrum was employed by Saguenay Shipping and our family moved to Trinidad in 1948 where my Dad was one of the marine superintendents at Chagaramus. We returned to Canada in 1954 where my Dad remained employed by Saguenay in Montreal. Does anyone remember my Dad. He passed away in 1975 at the young age of 69.