A “Long” Distance to Wolfe Island
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Brian Johnson posted on April 12, 2010 22:34
Behind two small tugs a submarine cable spilled out along the harbour floor between Kingston and Wolfe Island in preparation for dial telephone service which starts Sunday ...at present, Mrs. Mabel McRae and a staff of six handle the telephone needs of the island.
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Comment by: marilyn ( )
Left at: 2:58 PM Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Great article!! Enjoyed reading about Wolfe Island. Who would have ever thought they had telephones that early. Really a fun read. Thanks!
Comment by: Mike Cummins ( )
Left at: 4:44 PM Tuesday, January 28, 2014
The Charlie Cummins mentioned in the article was my Great Grand Father.
Comment by: Joan Russell
Left at: 12:12 AM Monday, December 28, 2015
Thanks once again, Brian Johnson, for all that you do to keep this vibrant history alive for the rest of us.