Chris Murray’s photography
Written by Chris Murray posted on July 12, 2010 22:39
Early this spring, we received some photographs taken by Chris Murray who has returned to his hometown of Syracuse, NY, after seventeen years in South Carolina and Texas. In addition to being a full-time geologist, he has been a practicing landscape photographer for fifteen years.
In 2008 the New York State Conservationist Magazine featured his photo essay, “Rediscovering Central New York”. In addition to writing about, and teaching, photography, Chris has won several photography contests in the North Country, including Central New York Magazine's January 2010 contest for his “Morning Light”.
His grandparents lived in Rockport and his deep affection for the Thousand Islands area can be traced to his childhood and the many summer weeks spent in cottages on the Canadian side. His parents now live in Clayton, thus giving him a year-round base from which to enjoy, and photograph, the Islands, “my favorite place on earth”.
Chris Murray
© Photo by Chris Murray
Calumet Island in Fog
Nikon D200, 75mm lens at F13, polarizer
I captured this scene one morning this past spring as a heavy fog was lifting. The band of fog that remained gave the illusion of the island floating over the water. A special thanks to the bird for its perfect timing. A dash of luck is always a welcome thing.
© Photo by Chris Murray
Chittenango Falls
Minolta Maxxum 9, 200mm lens at F22, polarizer. Velvia 50
I photographed this waterfall, southeast of Syracuse, New York, back in 2003. It was a warm, early summer day in late June as I set up my tripod on the small bridge just below the falls. The day started sunny but by the afternoon large clouds began to threaten. I was able to get this shot as the sun peaked through the clouds and spot lighted the central portion of the falls, providing the drama the picture needed.
© Photo by Chris Murray
The Narrows
Nikon D200, 14mm lens at F11, polarizer
This view is the reward for a mile long hike along the Eel Bay trail, part of the Minna Anthony Nature Center on Wellesley Island. Just before sunset the light hits the rocks along the narrows between Wellesley and Murray Islands. In this image the tree and rocks comprise a beautiful foreground as the channel snakes off into the distance.
© Photo by Chris Murray
Crooked Creek and Indian Point
Nikon D200, 12mm lens at F11, polarizer
One of my favorite locations to photograph in the Islands is along Crooked Creek, located about a mile east of Kring Point along Route 12. The stillness of the creek in the early morning hours makes it an ideal location for capturing reflections. Here the clouds are reflected beautifully in the calm waters of the creek. The sunlight breaking through and spot lighting the one cloud in the center provided the focal point.
© Photo by Chris Murray
Cowshed Falls
Nikon D200, 13mm lens at F13, 3 sec. exposure, polarizer
Cowshed Falls is located in Fillmore Glen State Park, about an hour south of Syracuse. A rather precarious positioning of the tripod and myself gave me the perspective I was looking for. Whenever possible it is highly desirable to include a strong foreground element in a photograph. Here the water in the foreground draws the eye of the viewer back to the falls.

© Photo by Chris Murray
Kring Point Shoreline
Nikon D200, 16mm lens at F11, polarizer
The shoreline along Kring Point State Park provides ample photographic opportunities. Here the threatening clouds add a sense of foreboding and drama to the scene. In photography, bad weather is often good weather.
Photographic essay by Chris Murray
Chris Murray is a part-time geology consultant who devotes the rest of his time to photography. He can be found at Chris Murray Photography. Beginning Saturday July 24th, his photographs will be on display at Bella’s in Clayton, NY, beginning with an Artists Reception that evening from 5-7pm.
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Comment by: Bill Munger ( )
Left at: 9:06 AM Thursday, July 15, 2010
Finding the right words is not enough...thank you for sharing these wonderful photos! Inspiring and more...
Comment by: Justin Hare ( )
Left at: 9:38 AM Thursday, July 15, 2010
These pictures are fantastic. My father grew up going to Kring's Point with his father, and continued the tradition with my family. I also visited Filmore Glen State Park when I was a younger lad. Great mix of all of that this wonderful area has to offer visually.
Comment by: Kevin King ( )
Left at: 9:48 PM Thursday, July 15, 2010
Comment by: Judy Bowers ( )
Left at: 11:29 PM Thursday, July 15, 2010
What an opportunity to travel and experience the beauty you have captured while not leaving my own beautiful state! Inspiring does not even come close to expressing ones thoughts.
Comment by: Betsy van Allen ( )
Left at: 8:57 AM Friday, July 16, 2010
Hi Chris, I'm a friend of Deborah Skilliter. I'm a graduate of NSCAD here in Halifax. Although I specialized in Textiles, I'd have to say that photography is my other love. I really enjoyed looking at your photos! Absolutely exquisite work! Betsy van Allen
Comment by: Jane Rutzler ( )
Left at: 9:43 AM Friday, July 16, 2010
Some of the best camping trips we ever took was up along the River.. These photos are gorgeous...
Comment by: Chris Murray ( )
Left at: 4:28 PM Monday, July 19, 2010
Thank you so much for the kind words everyone, it is greatly appreciated!
Comment by: LiL Madrazzo ( )
Left at: 12:18 PM Tuesday, July 20, 2010
All your photos are just breath taking, beautiful, vibrant...As an ameute photographer I love Natur photos, I love sunsets, water, , ocean , clouds, then there are th Flowers, trees which I love different shapes of trees..You are definetly an inspiration to someone who is very much into their photography as I am to mine..I dont get around much but when I do , I most defiently try to make the most out of taking pictures...Thank you so much for sharing your beauty with the world..I would love to be in contact to see mroe of your great work and read up on how, when or where... LiL Madrazzo
Comment by: Dale Hull ( )
Left at: 10:02 PM Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I grew up in thousand island park during the summer.I climbed the rocks in the narrows many times as a kid just for the view.Great pictures Chris! Brings back great memories .Keep up the great work!
Comment by: Chris Murray ( )
Left at: 9:05 AM Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Thank you Dale, I hope to get many more beautiful shots from that location, the possibilities are endless.
Comment by: Pete Medcalf ( )
Left at: 9:51 AM Thursday, July 22, 2010
Exellent work Chris. Great imaqes of The River and the enviroment. Keep on 'shooting'
Comment by: Chris Murray ( )
Left at: 5:22 PM Sunday, July 25, 2010
Thank you Pete, I am a fan of your work as well. I notice you live on Hill Island, my fondest memories of the Islands are the weeks I spent for several summers in one of Stratford's cottages just below the bridge.
Comment by: Dan Denney ( )
Left at: 3:56 PM Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Chris, Your photos have a nice "painterly" quality. I have photographed The Cowsheds myself at Fillmore Glen and the wetland you shoot along Rt. 12 east of Kring Point. I find the areas of tall, acid-rain stripped stick-ups among the tall grass to be photogenic as well. I enjoyed your article very much.
Comment by: Nate ( )
Left at: 8:40 PM Thursday, March 24, 2011
I love them, thank you!
Comment by: LiL Madrazzo ( )
Left at: 10:50 AM Friday, March 25, 2011
As always Chris, your photos are breathtaking...