Remembering the Eastcliffe Hall
Written by
Brian Johnson posted on August 13, 2010 22:37
This story first appeared in the Kingston Whig Standard on July 16, 2010 in honour of the 40th Anniversary of the sinking of the Eastcliffe Hall in the St. Lawrence River.
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Comment by: Edie Anderson ( )
Left at: 6:52 PM Friday, May 11, 2012
The Shipmaster/Captain of the Eastcliffe hall was more precisely, Capt. Richard Groulx. A close friend of my father who navigated as Captain for Hall Corporation/Halco until he retired in the late 80's. My father never missed the occasion to point out to me where the Eastcliffe sank as we passed that point, each time I joined him for a trip on the Maplecliffe Hall. Though I understand the facination with viewing the remains of shipwrecks as they lay scattered underwater, I can`t help but feel for those who lost dear ones that night. May Captain Richard Groulx and those who went down with the Eastcliffe Hall that night forever rest in peace.
Comment by: Ian Baker ( )
Left at: 7:37 PM Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Thanks for the article. I dove on the wreck in 1975. I remember seeing a pair of pants under some debris near the bow and wondered what had happened to the owner. I didn't touch them. I didn't know until now that 9 lives were lost.
Comment by: Sarah Sibley ( )
Left at: 10:21 PM Saturday, May 3, 2014
My brother was one of the survivors of the sinking of the Eastcliff Hall, he now lives in Thunder Bay, ON. He just turned 73 and has never talked much about the experience. There were also two more survivors from Ramea who are still living.. One of the men who drowned was also from here, a very small town in Newfoundland.
Comment by: Ian Baker ( )
Left at: 6:56 AM Sunday, May 4, 2014
It is still a very popular dive site and the current is very strong, although I never went back. I wonder how many who go there know of the tragedy that unfolded there. It was certainly a horrible nightmare for your brother and all on board.
Comment by: Jacques Groulx ( )
Left at: 4:07 PM Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Richard Groulx était le frere de mon pere Henri,qui est aujourd hui décedé.Il se rememorait avac beaucoup de tristesse cette tragédie qui avait emporté son frere et mon cousin alain qui avait 15 ans a l epoque.
Comment by: Barry
Left at: 4:07 PM Wednesday, November 11, 2015
My uncle also died on this ship. We were told that the Capt. had a high amount of alcohol in his blood .
Comment by: Ian Baker
Left at: 6:36 PM Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Sorry to hear that Barry. I don't know what the state of her is now but even in 1975 everything above deck was gone. I believe it had to be done. The holds were open of course. Still it looked very big and sitting upright.
Comment by: George Merry
Left at: 6:22 AM Friday, July 14, 2017
I remember the Eastcliffe Hall when she was in Service on the Great Lakes. I delivered Coca Cola to the Lake Boats on the Welland Canal at Thorold Ontario at Provincial Paper Dock in the 1950's. I got to know all the Cooks and bartered Coca Cola for delicious PIES......what great lucky I was!!!!!!!!!