The Army Landing Barges ‘Wolfe Islander 1’ and ‘Wolfe Islander 2’.
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Brian Johnson posted on July 13, 2011 22:23
In Wolfe Island’s hour of need for means of transportation to and from the island, the Ontario Provincial Government has come to the rescue by supplying two small landing craft of the LCI type.
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Comment by: Lynda Crothers ( )
Left at: 8:53 PM Friday, July 15, 2011
Thinking with the LONG Lines to get on the ferry now, two landing barges might just come in handy. Thank you loved this story also.
Comment by: Dean Parkhurst ( )
Left at: 10:29 AM Monday, August 1, 2011
Many years ago the General Electric Company owned Association Island just off Henderson Harbor, NY. The firm held two and a half day conference sessions for their executives over the summer months. I worked on the technical staff of their entertainment unit. A nice job for a guy looking for college money. Two passenger boats took the conferees and us staffers from Henderson to and from the island but the heavy lifting of vehicles and machinery was done by a converted WW II LCM, or Landing Craft Medium. Her name? “Elsie M.” Someone got creative on that one. Your magazine always brings back memories.
Comment by: Bob Graham ( )
Left at: 8:36 AM Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Brian, great job! I am anxious to read the next instalment of this story, as it obviously will involve the vessel I came to know in the early '70s. I have still not come to terms with her sad ending.
Comment by: Bill Ruoff
Left at: 1:53 PM Tuesday, September 20, 2016
My father and mother, Christian and Ida Ruoff, owned the Cape Vincent Inn in the 1960's permitting our Ruoff families, who also owned cottages on Wilson's Bay and Mud Bay, to enjoy many summers visiting Cape Vincent. It was during those times we would take the ferry from Cape Vincent to Wolfe Island and then to Kingston where there was a small amusement park allowing our children a day of fun in Canada. Those were very happy days and for me, personally, enriched and cemented my love for Canada and the many friends I met and knew in the ensuing years. Bill Ruoff;