Hal “Moose” McCarney, ‘The Godfather’
Written by
Brian Johnson posted on December 13, 2011 07:29
Although the sliding seasons may pass on
The St. Lawrence moves forever to the dawn
This river that so proudly seeks the sea
Will be endeared to me, eternally.
by Hal McCarney
He was the pulse of the community, a definite exciting era has now passed. There will never be another Hal McCarney.
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Comment by: Shane K. Sanford ( )
Left at: 8:35 AM Thursday, December 15, 2011
As the mamager for Boldt Castle I new and revered Hal McCartney for more than twenty years. Hal would often stop in my office during the winter months to discuss an upcoming season, like a father speaking to a son dispensing his proven promotional theories and and not so proven ideas always with great enthusiasm and excitement. I count Hal's friendship and wisdom extended to me with special and everlasting sentiments.

Comment by: Bud Andress ( )
Left at: 1:03 PM Thursday, January 12, 2012
I would like to remind viewers that they can still follow "Hal" on the Bird Studies Canada (BSC) website. With financial assistance from Hal McCarney's nephew Neil and his son Chris, as well as the LCBO, the TIA, and many others, I was able to enlist the assistance of BSC with the placing of satellite transmitters on two juvenile bald eagles from 1000 Islands nests at Ivy Lea and Gananoque in 2009. We lost the signal of "Moose" over Pennsylvania in about 5 months but "Hal" has been doing well to date. "Hal" spent the first winter near Washington, DC, but since then has been in the Wolfe Island - Cape Vincent area of eastern Lake Ontario. We await signs that "Hal" has chosen a mate and 'settled down' when he matures to breeding age in 2013. Here are the steps to following "Hal" on line:
-BSC Research
-Species Projects
-Bald Eagle
-Eagle Tracker
A menu at the right side of the eastern North America map allows the viewer to view various tracked eagles, including "Hal", during various periods of time. A click and drag red box over the data points will zoom-in for a closer look.
I would also like to point out that Hal McCarney was very helpful in encouraging me to see that additional artificial bald eagle platforms were constructed by the Leeds County Stewardship Council. Hal believed very strongly in the recovery of the bald eagle to the 1000 Islands, - and, his namesake bird of almost 3 years of age is out there near Wolfe Island. Please check out his movements on line!
Bud Andress
Canadian Co-chair
of eastern Lake Ontario
and the upper St. Lawrence River