It was serendipitous that TI Life heard about local nature and wildlife photographer Bruce Dana. Bruce first introduced himself to us by posting a response to an article I wrote last month that included several of my own wildlife photographs. In Bruce’s response he identified himself as a nature and wildlife photographer from Morristown, New York. [See Wings Like Eagles, December 2013]
I was intrigued! A quick web search took me to an article about Bruce and his photography. I learned that his photos have been featured in the St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce “Anglers Guide,” as well as on and North Country Public Radio’s website. When I followed some of the links to see samples of his work, I was awed as I discovered photo after magnificent photo of our beautiful River. I felt as though, in discovering Bruce’s photos, I had unearthed a treasure of pictures that needed to be shared with my fellow River Rats. TI Life Editor, Susie Smith, wholeheartedly agreed.
The following is my interview with Bruce along with a few samples of his amazing photography.
PM: How long have you been a nature and wildlife photographer?
BD: I have been shooting Natural Landscapes since I bought my first DSLR about nine years ago. I shot with film before that but wasn’t at it as much as I am now. Back in the mid 80’s I bought my first SLR manual film camera and enjoyed shooting existing light shots, like moonscapes and Auroras . Scenes you just can’t capture with a point and shoot camera. After encountering more and more wildlife in and around many of the scenic pictures I was shooting I knew it was time to start upgrading my equipment for wildlife photography. That’s when I bought my first telephoto lens. I think it was a 300mm. It was great to be able to get in closer to wildlife for a tighter shot without the risk of spooking the critter.
PM: Are you native to the area?
BD: I was born and raised in Ogdensburg NY which is right on the St. Lawrence River. I love swimming, boating and fishing. I have had a deep appreciation for the beauty of Nature from an early age. As kids we spent lots of time roaming the woods learning about Nature and fishing for hours for perch and bass on the St. Lawrence River. We had some great family fish dinners on Fridays. We would fish all week and save the fish for a big fish fry. My interest in photography grew out of the fishing trips on the river. My Mom would usually take a picture of us with our catch. Then when I got older I thought it would be cool to have a camera along in the boat to record the action. When there wasn’t much happening I would try to get pictures of the sunsets. I remember having to wait for the film to be processed and going through the prints. They weren’t all great shots. I was often disappointed that the results on film didn’t match what I had seen with my eyes. It would be many years later before I learned more about the difference in the ability of what a camera can capture and what the human eye can see. Photography continues to change with many technological innovations that are very exciting. It’s fun to try and keep pace with it all.
PM: The article I read said that you are retired. What did you do before retiring?
BD: I just retired in 2012 from New York State, most of that at Sunmount in Tupper Lake where I worked as a Nurse. Tupper Lake, known as “The Crossroads of the Adirondacks” is not far from Lake Placid, Whiteface and the Ausable River. I got some beautiful scenic pictures up there in the Adirondacks over the years. I still came back to the St Lawrence Valley on weekends. So I feel I had the best of both worlds – the 1000 Islands and The Adirondacks. Now I have more time to pursue my love of nature photography and to grow as a photographer and learn more.
PM: What inspired you to become a photographer at this point in your life?
BD: My inspiration continues to be the beauty of God’s creation that is all around us every day, especially here in the North Country where we have more sky and trees. I feel a deep gratitude to God for allowing me to be where I am with my camera at the moment of a beautiful Sunrise or Sunset that is especially intense in color and depth, or for me to be out for a drive in my car with my camera and to come across a mother deer licking her newborn fawn or an Osprey with a fresh fish in its talons. I often think of how fortunate timing is in many of these photographic opportunities. If I was a moment later or earlier I would have missed the shot.
PM: Do you have a favorite photo or photos you were able to take?

BD: It is hard for me to have one favorite picture. Many of my pictures have strong emotional feelings I still feel as I felt when they were taken, like the time I was shooting a Red Tail Hawk in a perch in a tree. I was so happy to be getting such good images, the light was good, the Hawk was staying still, and I was fairly close (less than a 100 ft). How could it get better? But it did, when the one was joined by another, probably its mate flying right into the scene. I was overjoyed and praising God!! There was also the spectacular display of the Aurora Borealis over the Brockville Skyline. Or the day an eagle landed in a tree by my house is one I will never forget. I have been blessed with many pictures over the years. Yet when I’m doing a slideshow presentation I remember the moment as if it were today and the wonderful feeling of being there at that particular time. To be able to share that with others is such a joy. My only hope is that it will bring others the same joy and peace that I felt when I was there.
PM: I read about your presentations in one of the articles written about you. Is this something you do regularly?
BD: I’ve done two benefit slideshows for a worthy charity based in Lake Placid. Mercy Care for the Adirondacks provides companionship, friendship and spiritual care to elders living in their own homes who may be isolated and in need of some friendly company. These shows were presented at the Flammer Theater of The Wild Center Museum in Tupper Lake. I also did an exhibit and slideshow here at the Gateway Museum in Morristown last August. I have more time available to do these shows now that I’m not working full time at another job. If anyone is interested in having me do a presentation for their organization please contact me by email at
PM: I noticed that your photos are copyrighted. Are they available to be purchased?
BD: I have been selling a few of my pictures at shows and exhibits and I have started to offer some of my work for sale in local retail outlets. I have over 50 different mounted works at Mares Wares Pottery on Route 37 in Morristown, NY. I hope to get my website up and running soon. People will be able to order prints directly from the site.
PM: Anything else you want to tell the readers about yourself and your photography?
BD: Right now I am looking for a business partner who has experience running an office, filing, filling orders, ordering supplies and marketing which would allow me to spend more time out there taking pictures and doing post production work.
PM: Thanks so much, Bruce. This just might be the perfect place to get the word out about that.
"Spread my Wings." "Flying Free" and "Gliding" [Click on each photograph of the seagull to enlarge]
Bruce Dana © 2014
“Aurora Borealis over Brockville”
Bruce Dana © 2014

"Blue Reflections Chippewa Bay"
Bruce Dana © 2014

"Skyline Reflections"
Bruce Dana © 2014

"Lightning Strike"
Bruce Dana © 2014
“Ominous Sky”
Bruce Dana © 2014
“Sky Dance?”
Bruce Dana © 2014
I am sure you now understand why both Susie Smith and I were so pleased to learn more about Bruce Dana. After our interview, Bruce related how he captured “Sky Dance” by saying:
"Sky Dance" is a term coined by some raptor researchers who have observed in flight behavior involving the exchange of food or nesting materials or both. Some of this observed behavior has been associated with Mating rituals in the spring and some behavior later in the season by fledglings. They may be practicing and developing hunting skills and the muscle groups needed for catching and obtaining food. Some raptors have been observed stealing from other birds in flight. So "Sky Dance?” with a question mark (to indicate maybe or we don't know) was intended for the two Osprey in the photo where there was a close encounter with one bird that was actually in position to take or receive from the other Osprey, but something changed at that moment and the other Osprey with the fish kept going.This is what we saw and can extrapolate for several books worth of possibilities but that still leaves us on the ground without wings to scratch our heads and speculate the reason for this observed behavior. It was a great moment to capture this behavior as it was happening. This is what Wildlife Photographers hope for is a great behavior moment as its happening. Something that the creature is doing that seems entertaining, or endearing, or different, or seems to be, at least to us, even though they're just being themselves.
Working in a Psychiatric setting for over 20 years I've seen this. We can observe external behaviors but not really know what someone is REALLY thinking and feeling. We can speculate by observing but we don't really know. Only God knows our hearts and our innermost thoughts that's why we must let Him be the Judge.
You can see more of Bruce’s photography at ; you can contact him directly at Or, you just might run into him some day out there on the River taking pictures!
By Patricia Mondore
Patty Mondore and her husband, Bob, are summer residents of the Thousand Islands. Patty is a published author and a singer/song writer. Her most recent books include River Reflections: A 90-Day Devotional for People Who Love the Water and its sequel, Nature Reflections: A 90-Day Devotional for People Who Love Nature. Her other books include River-Lations: Inspirational stories and photos from the Thousand Islands, A Good Paddling, Proclaim His Praise in the Islands, and Perennial Faith. She and Bob, co-authored Singer Castle, and Singer Castle Revisited published by Arcadia Publishing, and co-produced Dark Island’s “Castle of Mysteries” documentary DVD in addition to a Thousand Islands music DVD trilogy. Patty is a contributing writer for the Thousand Islands Sun. Her column, "River-Lations", appears in the Vacationer throughout the summer months. The Mondores are online at