One day last week it was in the high 60s, (21C) and that night it went down to 37F (4C)… Time to close-up and head home! For those of you who live here year-round you can look forward to no 5:00 p.m. traffic jams, and lots of evenings by the fireplace. 
This Iss
This issue is dedicated to you, the Closers.
Lynn McElfresh introduces a group of ladies who attend The Annual every summer. Who else does the same?
Richard Palmer gives us Theodore Gegoux Painted the Steamboat St. Lawrence, Who Was He? Can you answer the question?
Linda Twichell tells us about Early Westminster Park Families: The Tavenders – I wish there were more writers interested in capturing the history of the first islanders in their community. Amazing information.
While Julie Woods introduces her Arthur Child Heritage Museum’s Facebook page with its Wayback Wednesdays…
Ryan Leiberher presents The Journey and More Poetry - we may be closing but Ryan reminds of early summer and his drive to the 1000 Islands.
John Kunz tells us all about The Thousand Islands Cup – a must to see next summer too.
Dan LeKander wants us to solve Sudoku Puzzle #45.
I have two articles this month: An Interview with author Susan G Mathis and all about the great news that the Canada 150 Rink Comes to Gananoque!
New Contributors
Julie Woods - Wayback Wednesdays…
Julie Woods grew up in Gananoque and is currently in her 3rd year of the Honours Bachelor of Behavioural Psychology at St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Campus. While working this summer at the Arthur Child Heritage Museum, she also coordinated the ACHM social media. This included creating weekly “Wayback Wednesdays”, by gathering photos that tie Gananoque’s past and present together. She is carrying on this winter as an appreciated volunteer as editor the ACHM’s Facebook page.
Ryan Leiberher - The Journey and More Poetry
Ryan Leiberher is a Wildlife Biologist in real life, graduating from Penn State University and at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. He and his wife have three children, who all love their River holiday. They live near Harrisburg, PA.
Closing 2018
We asked for photographs showing what closing-up means to you… 
Tim Lake was first with a good suggestion: Wrapping socks over the ends of the intake water pipes that have been pulled from the water. It keeps the critters out. However, I'm in Henderson Harbor but just thought I'd add my closing up memory.” I wrote back that River, Lake and Streams are all the same - happy memories, but sad thoughts when it is over.
Terri Nadelen Butzbach wrote “We close this weekend at Swan Bay........jugs of pink stuff is what my picture would be LO;, sad but awesome memories from Summer 2018 in the 1000 Islands! (Note to self… keep one bottle of wine for the last day…)
Paul Sorg says closing means you don’t have to mow the lawn! Ha… what if you go to Florida?
Raymond Kowalski explained when I asked what was the biggest catch. “The grandkids found a honey hole and pulled out dozens of perch. They only stopped because their arms got tired!”

Carl Lueck took his last swim… (What a summer for swimming and water sports)

Where is this you asked? In Carnegie Bay, east of Alex Bay…

Trish Tague says, Don’t forget the “Yaks”.

Steve Wilcox says “When ya start seeing the cribs...” And, he is so right!

Elaine Arnold Berg shows the big job… taking out the floating docks!
Cliff Santee wrote a simple one. “No more gigs in ABay”.

We looked him up and discovered he plays three keyboards – and for several years entertained at almost all the hot spots in ABay. He was a member of the Bad Husband’s Band… Sadly, they just sold their camp and will only be visitors next year, but always welcome!
Karen Pachoud wrote, “A true romantic I am. Whenever we leave I get all sappy and always thankful for the beautiful views & magical waters. Always hope too, that it won't be the last time, because you just never know in life.”

Carl Lueck suggests sailing is all wrapped up for the season!

Susie Wood describes closing up in Chippewa Bay! (Bet they sat and enjoyed the warmth long before they got the bags packed!)
Sad Closing

Florence Kincade Innes and young Derek at age 2-half. 1939; the lower photograph shows Derek 79 years later on the porch once again. Many will recognize his wife Marj, a champion sailor.
We conclude with photographs that express celebration and sadness. Derek Innes from Tower Island, Admiralty Islands, sent photographs of his last walk to the dock. Derek has spent every summer since a wee lad on the island but now after 8 decades he is leaving for the last time. Many of us have experienced the same sadness, but suffice to say he and his wife Marj have many friends and dozens of joyous memories that will last forever. |
Future Issues

· Next month we will learn more about Boldt Castle… and how they close for the season. If we thought draining the pipes in our cottage was difficult… Or how about getting the garden ready for winter… or then there is the planning for new projects for the 2019 season… Ha. Just wait and see.
· A talent not known! This month while receiving our 1000 Islands River Rats Now and Then, Facebook page, we met Frank Shattuck and watching the progress made on his beautiful St. Lawrence Tartan jacket. A couple of inquiries and we learn that this is a most talented artist and I look forward to doing an interview in the future.
· 2018 Photo Contest… Ian Coristine will outline the Rules and Process for the 2018 - 1000 Islands Life Magazine Photo contest. As the editor of TI Life, I think this contest is the best present I could ever receive in December.
And… Robert Daly sent a reminder of fall… We will look forward to learning more about this poet in a future issue too!
Acorns Falling
Corn that’s popping? No,
acorns falling
waking me.
I hear
squirrels enjoy a feast, and
store goods for February.
I see
Sunlight’s dancing with shadow leaves
on cedar panels. Morning’s
theater framed by a window.
A map on the wall of “Norway,”
the township, near the mountains,
where Father was born,
and his Father, too.
Trees beyond green drapes
shuddering in the north wind.
Another hand at work this Sunday morning.
My desk.
The laptop, papers,
Bowker, Agamben, Rumi,
travel brochures, implements, lists.
In disarray.
Like life -
I think
I would not know myself as well
if I arose when acorns fell.
By Robert Daly
Please Remember
We certainly appreciate having you hit our button at the top of each article and Supporting TI Life – although we: Authors, Photographers, Proof Readers and Editors – including this one(!) all publish TI Life as Volunteers, there are costs, including our Email Program - Constant Contact, and our software, now working in its 11year. (I say that each month… but now we are almost there. We will need some volunteers to help us on our way, so stay tuned!)
We also encourage you to Remember our Facebook
page throughout the month, as we post information and photographs, and follow us on
I thank those who send photographs for TI Life – they really are better than 1000 words… Send photos of interesting happenings to
And, this Editor is looking forward to receiving new submissions throughout the year. I bet our readers are too!
By Susan W. Smith, Editor,
Special thanks to editor Bill Stallan and proofreaders Rick Taylor, Georgia Barker, and Dane Zabriskie. I especially thank Mike Cox who is the magician behind the website. What a team