Articles from January 2017
Yes, a whole new year… and I am still at it! If you had asked me a week ago, I would have told you all was well and I had not a care in the world. But this week my computer crashed! Seems everyone has gone through this and the first question is always… “Did you back it up?” Thankfully I had...
Check out new Happenings in January including a tribute to Doug Tulloch and his Santa Festival, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the watching the skies.
by: Susan W. Smith
“Where are you from?” This is usually one of the first questions asked when we meet people while we are trav...
by: Lynn E. McElfresh
We continue our 2016 Photo Contest in this issue. . .
Ian Coristine summed up his difficulty in choosing our winners ...
by: Ian Coristine
The following is a chapter from “Going Home: Grindstone Island” written by Audrey Lashomb and published in 1...
by: Audrey Lashomb
All Photographs by Patti Mondore. Click to Enlarge
I was out for an early morning kayak ride. I was passing by one of...
by: Patty Mondore
Those of us who collect Thousand Islands material – books, pamphlets, post cards and history – will know the...
by: Susan W. Smith
When this young biologist first began working on the River in 1976, many things were very different in the bird world. T...
by: Gerry Smith