Midwinter – reports of too much snow, record breaking low temperatures and Interstate pile-ups. However the days are getting longer, marinas are sending out newsletters and February is the shortest month – hope is in the air!
A special tribute to the late Dan Denney
Someone asked how I decide what will appear in TI Life next month. I would like to say it is well thought out etc., but the truth is TI Life has a life of its own… my role is finding eclectic subjects of interest.
It was back in December 2010, that I received a query email from Dan Denney,
“I am a 58-year old North Country native, born in Watertown. For the bulk of the last 35 years or so I have lived in Jefferson or St. Lawrence Counties. My interest in the beauty and heritage of the 1000 Islands is both historical and contemporary as explained in the article. My photography is an avocation I'd like to retire into, so I can spend all my time in the Islands or the Adirondacks. I also shot and edited Michael Ringer's PBS series, The Artist's World. He was a huge influence on my artistic sensibilities.
Dan’s story Through the Ice - A Tale of Survival, was perhaps, one of our most read. He told about crossing the River in Chippewa Bay, looking for the perfect shot of Singer Castle. His car went through the ice and Dan explained how he was able to swim to the ice hole, and climb to safety.
January 2011
February 2011
I wish I could say I met this gentleman since, but I did not. We did email each other a few times. Then in January this year, 2015, I received an email from one of Dan’s friends, Ed Burke of Saratoga Springs. He wanted us to know that Dan had died in an accident near Star Lake. Later we learned it was a tragic accident that took his life; his car lost control and travelled down a cliff into the River. His life will be celebrated in the spring, but I wanted his wife, Connie and his sons, daughters-in-laws and his parents, to know his work was and will continue to be appreciated. Please see the obituary of Daniel Denny.
This Issue
Like Photography? Tim Kocher was amazed when his Facebook photo went viral… Sky of Fire
Like Nature? Robert Matthews and Patty Mondore asked if we would like to learn more about The Eels in Eel Bay; and Making Glad the Wilderness: Our Thousand Islands Pitch Pines.
Like real stories? Clayton native, Regi Carpenter, is a professional story teller – we jumped at the chance to share one of her stories. Let us know if you recognize the places in One Man’s Trash.
Like lighthouses? You will appreciate Cape Vincent Harbor Lighthouses by Mary Alice Snetsinger.
Want history? Check out Thank You Doug Grant!
Why Tasmania? - John Carter researches prisoners from Jefferson and St. Lawrence County who were sent to Van Diemen's Land in the 1830s… and Elaine Vedette Tack, is spending the winter there – so we present two interesting links: From Political Prisoner to American Pioneer or Hobart Tasmania, Australian Wooden Boat Festival.
New Contributor
Regi Carpenter - One Man’s Trash
Regi Carpenter is a solo performance artist, short story writer, and performance coach who grew up in Clayton, NY. She holds a BFA from Ithaca College where she currently teaches storytelling. She has toured her solo shows and workshops in theatre, festivals and schools and her writings and blogs have been published in several print and online publications. Regi is the recipient of several awards including the JJ Reneaux Emerging Artist Grant, a Leonard Bernstein Teaching Fellowship Award, the Parent's Choice Gold Award, the Parents' Guide to Children's Media Award and the Storytelling World Award. Her performance piece Snap! won the 2012 Boston Story Slam. “Snap!” is a featured Listen story on The Moth website. Regi now lives in Ithaca, New York. |
Update: Is the 1000 Islands Region Scenic Enough?
Mary Hamilton presented Is the 1000 Islands Region Scenic Enough?in our October 2013 issue of TI Life. Now we recommend you view the Final Draft Report and Final Draft Report Appendices links, to view the U.S. Thousand Islands Regional Assessment Report. This report represents the analyses of material obtained over the course of the past two years. Ten areas of “distinctiveness” have been identified and documented as part of the region’s application for designation as a Scenic Area of Statewide Significance.
A public meeting will be held in April (time and place to be announced) to further discuss the report and its contents. Our thanks to the Town of Hammond and Supervisor Ron Bertram, for spearheading this important initiative. |

Enjoy the Winter from Above
A special thanks to Jeffry Weldon who has produced and shared his DJI Phantom 2 Vidoes.
Anyone Staying in the North Country?
If so, send us your photographs (info@thousandislandslife.com ) We love to share them with our readers, many of whom are working in their home towns all over the world – or sitting on a beach and checking for snowflakes!
Got some free time???
Any free time to help TI Life? We need to update our pages, and make sure our Links are still live. If so contact me at info@thousandislandslife.com (c/o Susan Smith).
Suggestions for assignments include:
THE PLACE – Our Natural Setting. This section was originally written by Paul Malo, when he created TI Life in 2006. Is it current? Are there topics that should be included? Are the links live?
THE PLACE – Communities. This section was also written by Paul, but over time some of the sections have been updated. We are missing material, and ask for one volunteer to help coordinate an update.
THE PLACE – Parks and Preserves. A coordinator could help make this section more robust. There are many families who camp in the region and they need more information.
THE PLACE – Thousand Islands History. This section is a work in process… A volunteer is needed to critique the articles and provide suggestions for new topics.
THE PLACE – Rentals and B&Bs. New Section to be created. We want to start listing special B&Bs, as well as links to rental properties and agents. Why? How many times have I been asked if I know of a perfect place to sleep 16, for a week next summer?… Too many! We do not take advertising, but we will ask those that we feature, to hit that Donate Button!
Please Don’t Forget
Remember our Facebook page throughout the month, as we post information and photographs & follow us on 
We also appreciate having you hit our
button and donate!
Question: Do you write about The River - near to it, from above or below? If so, please consider submitting an article. Let us know what you like, or dislike, about TI Life, so we can all share more ideas. And… most of all; please ask questions and leave comments
By Susan W. Smith, Editor info@thousandislandslife.com
[Speical thanks to our editors and proof readers this month: Bill Stallan, David Ray, Janet Taylor and Georgia Barker.]