Last year snowmobilers were skipping open water at the end of March… This winter we had to wait several more weeks to find open water, in fact the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway was delayed and there are still inches of ice in bays and small channels in the river. However, communities are waking up with economic summits, garden meetings and boat launchings!
April’s Issue
River History: Robert Matthews takes you on 130-Year-Old House Tour; Mary Alice Snetsinger presents the history of Cole Shoal Lighthouse; Dennis McCarthy relates how British Soldiers witnessed the first Stars & Stripes in Battle and Lynn McElfresh presents Grenell’s Little Green Book and the Ladies Who Wrote It.
River personalities: Tom King completes his trilogy of… From Coal Yard to Condos – Part Three: The Gordon Family Era and Paul Heberling shares a 1942 US Naval Academy essay assignment, written by his father, called Bob Hunt as I knew Him - an essay by Donald Heberling.
Brian Johnson writes a charming piece about Buck Mullin (which is a fine example of the stories that will appear in his forthcoming book Ferry Tales); and I have the pleasure of introducing Kingston Artist Maureen Sheridan.
News Items: A sneak preview of Kim Lunman’s Island Life 2014 which will be distributed in May to 25,000 households on both sides of the River. Pat Colby reports on A New Wheelhouse in Gananoque while Michael Whittaker invites you (A MUST if you love history) to War Talks… April 25th and 26th 2014.
Ian Coristine delivers an update on RiverQuest in A Visionary Leader is Needed… ; I publish a complementary Job Opportunity in Brockville. and we present proof… Spring is finally here…a list by Dick Withington
Our thanks to Dennis McCarthy who captured the Pierre Radisson coming through the Islands on March 26, 2014. As soon as the word was out that she was coming through, the Twitter accounts and Facebook lit up! |
New Contributors
Pat Colby - A New Wheelhouse in Gananoque
Pat Colby lives in Gananoque with her husband Bill. After 10 years as summer residents on Tremont Island they moved from Ottawa to the mainland in Gananoque. They are active supporters of the Arthur Child Heritage Museum. Pat not only hosted the first “Summer Evening in the Islands on Tremont Island in 2008”, but has been the event’s co-chair annually.
Paul Heberling - Bob Hunt as I knew Him - an essay by Donald Heberling
Paul Heberling was born in 1946 in Peoria, Illinois. At the time, his mother was staying with her parents because his father was on a navy cruiser in the Mediterranean. His father’s naval career meant moving an average of once a year, so the Thousand Islands became one of the few stable locations in his life. The early part of Paul’s career as an engineer was spent at GE’s corporate R&D center in Schenectady, N.Y. This allowed frequent visits to the Thousand Islands. Later, he was transferred to Ohio which allowed only one or two visits to the Thousand Islands each year. Since retiring, Paul and his wife Robin enjoy spending their summers on Hill Island. |
Kickstarter for the River, Sounds of the Surroundings
Tom Roberts, the New York State artist, launched a Kickstarter Project to record and produce an audio CD of the natural and sometimes man-made sounds of the Thousand Islands. He writes, “It's not a music CD, rather more like relaxation sounds of animals and the river environment.”
Owls, geese, loons, boats (even the roaring ones), fog horns… then tree frogs, crickets and he has even had suggestions such as opening beer cans and slamming porch doors! The results will be interesting if not spectacular.
As part of the project, they have a “Call for Artists and Photographers ” to submit artwork for the CD jacket. The artwork with the most votes, cast by backers, will be featured on the cover. There are at least four and potentially six spaces available.
Be sure to listen to the 3-minute video to hear all about the Sounds of the Surroundings. The pledge period is only 30 days and ends on May 3rd, 2014. If the project does not have the required $5,700 by that time, the pledges will be void. There are a number of rewards to backers – so check it out:
Upload page for the art contest:
Kickstarter page:
TILT’s Kid’s Korner
The Northern New York Community Foundation, in collaboration with Cornell Cooperative Extension of Jefferson County for the Adopting Healthy Habits Community Coalition, have awarded grant funding to the Thousand Islands Land Trust to support the Kid’s Korner at the Land Trust’s Zenda Farm. The Zenda Community Garden was created in 2010 as a joint project between the Thousand Islands Land Trust (TILT) and the Thousand Islands Young Leaders Organization (TIYLO).
Using the grant funds, TILT has already purchased tools and supplies for the Kids Korner, a drip irrigation kit from Dripworks, which gives discounts to non-profits.
TILT will also be incorporating bucket kits, donated by Watertown-based Chapin Living Waters (who have donated their bucket kits worldwide, helping third world countries grow vegetables when there is insufficient rain).
The Cub Scout Pack 74 from LaFargeville and the Alexandria Bay Girl Scouts will be involved in planting, caring for and harvesting the Kids Korner garden in 2014.
Want to join the TILT Community Garden? Applications for the 2014 planting season at the Community Garden. Applications can be downloaded from the TILT website or picked up at the office: 135 John St. in Clayton. Annual membership dues are $25/family, to help cover the cost of supplies and materials not covered by grants. The next garden meeting will be held on April 28th. |
Venez découvrir les Mille-Iles
The 1000 Islands International Tourism Council has launched a French-language website to introduce French-speaking visitors from Quebec and Ontario to visit the region.
The site will link to attractions, lodging, and dining, plus museums, boat tours, kayaking and scuba diving – something for everyone on both sides of the border.
TI Life Tabs
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BACK ISSUES: Links to all past articles published since 2006. Be sure to click on the Category area of interest or on the name of your favorite author.
Our Natural Setting (description of the natural beauty of the Thousand Islands); Communities (photographs from 22 river communities. We always need updated photographs!); History (Hard to find historical resources); Parks & Preserves (US and Canadian park spaces in the region and walking and biking trails).
EVENTS: we publish a list of events each month. Be sure to add TI Life to your media list!
PROPERTIES: In the interest of finding appreciative stewards of historic properties, Thousand Islands Life presents some real estate of exceptional importance when offered for sale.
BOOKS: Links to as new and old favorites we suggest for your island bookcase.
PHOTOS: A new section to help preserve and share historic photographs. Help us grow this section.
EXCURSIONS: On a rainy day, why not take a drive and discover interesting sites. In some cases, call ahead to make sure the place is open. Also take along your camera and send us new excursions.
ABOUT: Meet the TI Life Team
SUBSCRIBE: New issues of Thousand Islands Life Magazine are announced to subscribers by e-mail, but they are always accessible at this web site 24/7. There is no charge for a subscription; simply add your name and other information to our confidential Notification List.
SUBMIT ARTICLE: We look forward to your contributions. We may not have room for all, but encourage contributions that will increase our knowledge and appreciation for the place.
FEEDBACK: Do you have a question, wish to comment on an article or make a suggestion for TI Life? If you have information or special photos about our region, consider sending them to us.
Remember our facebook page throughout the month, as we post information and photographs & follow us on
By Susan W. Smith, Editor
Special thanks to our editors David Ray, Jane Taylor, Bill Stallan and Georgia Barker.